Dva osvrta na četvrti izlet OPŠ 15G Hpd Runolist
Risnjak 28.9.2024.
Došao je dan izleta, buđenje u 6 sati taman da čujem kako se nebo otvorilo i pljušti kao da nema sutra. Okupljanje s ostalim polaznicima škole pokazuje mi da mnogi razmišljaju kao ja, zašto nam je ovo trebalo.
Ali nakon malo priče, kave i kojeg vica raspoloženje ekipe diže se na pravi nivo. Stižemo do početne točke ravno u minutu zahvaljujući sposobnostima jednog od naših omiljenih vozača Branka aka Mišo aka Svileni.
Lagano spremanje pa zagrijavavanje by the one and only Pipe, zadnje upute vodiča i krećemo. Vrijeme nam nije bilo naklonjeno. Malo kiše, puno magle i oblaka nam nije baš pružalo priliku za neke lijepe vidike, ali je magla ucinila šumu vrlo mističnom. Jesen je naveliko došla na Risnjak; 500 nijansi žute, smeđe, narančaste su svuda oko nas. Iako je magla postajala sve gušća kako smo se približavali vrhu Damir i ekipa vodiča su se pobrinuli da ne budemo kao guske.
Stižemo do Schlosserovog doma gdje radimo manju pauzu i radimo zadnji dio rute i penjemo se na vrh. Risnjak ima jedan od najljepših pogleda u Hrvatskoj. Iako, nama vrijeme nije dopustilo da vidimo dalje do 50 metara. Osjećaj postignuća da smo po takvom vremenu i uvjetima stigli na vrh je bio dobra zamjena za pogled.
Krećemo natrag prema domu. Opet dosta blata i magle, ali raspoloženje ekipe je na zavidnom nivou. Stižemo natrag na početnu točku Mali dom Risnjak. Zauzimamo svoje pozicije, naručujemo piće kako bi nazdravili svom uspjehu. Tada je na redu bio ručak kojim su svi bili oduševljeni, iz provjerenih izvora dobijem informaciju da ću njoki domaći i pravljeni u domu, jedna riječ odlično.
Tada na red dolazi vježbanje čvorova i svaka čast vodičima da su nam išta uspjeli objasniti jer su mozgovi bili na rezervi, a sva krv u želucu. Tada nas je glavni vodič informirao da se, dok smo bili na stazi, medvjed motao oko busa i doma, tako da smo se skoro vratili s jednim članom više ili manje ovisno o tome kako je medo bio raspoložen. Sjedamo u autobus sretni, puni dojmova i doživljaja krećemo natrag za Zagreb.
Goran R.
Drugi osvrt
Ah, Risnjak! A majestic mountain that promised a delightful day of hiking. Well, that was the plan, at least. We set out early in the morning, full with excitement and energy, ready to conquer the trails. However, it seemed that Mother Nature had other plans for us.
As we set out early in the morning, the skies were already looking gloomy. It wasn’t long before the first drops of rain started to fall, quickly turning into a steady drizzle. The fog rolled in, wrapping the mountain in a mystical blanket that made it feel like we were walking through a dream—or perhaps a spooky movie!
Visibility was limited, but that didn’t dampen our spirits. In fact, we couldn’t help but tease each other about how, in our colorful raincoats, we looked like a bunch of Babarogas wandering through the mist.
If you didn’t know what a Babaroga is, it’s a figure from Slavic folklore, often depicted as a spooky boogeyman that parents use to encourage good behavior in their children. With its exaggerated features, large eyes, and shadowy presence, the Babaroga is said to lurk in dark places, ready to scare away any naughty kids who wander off alone.
So, there we were, a playful group of hikers, embracing our inner Babarogas in the fog.
When we finally reached the summit, the view was obscured by the fog, but the sense of accomplishment was undeniable. We took a moment to catch our breath and enjoy the experience together, despite the weather. It was a reminder that sometimes, the best memories are made in the most unexpected conditions.
After soaking in the moment, it was time to head back down to the foot of Platka. I had a delicious mission ahead of me: treating myself to a slice of apple strudel in Rijeka! As we descended, we couldn’t help but reflect on our unique adventure—who knew a rainy, foggy, and windy day could turn into such a memorable experience?
And just when we thought the day couldn’t get any more interesting, we had a hilarious encounter at the bus stop. A bear decided to stroll right up to the bus, apparently intrigued by the idea of joining our hiking group! I mean, who wouldn’t want to be part of the hiking school Runolist, right?
Stipe B